2023年是共建“一带一路”倡议提出十周年。十年来,共建“一带一路”倡议从理念转化为行动,从愿景转变为现实,建设成果丰硕。为服务国家“一带一路”倡议,也为进一步促进北大医学国际化建设和特色专业的发展,ju11net九州体育面向全球开设“国际高端人才公共卫生硕士项目”(Executive Master of Public Health Program,简称EMPH)。该项目2019、2020和2021年连续三年获得教育部“中非友谊”中国政府奖学金支持。至今累计为12个“一带一路”沿线国家的公共卫生领域培养了近30名专业人才,目前已经毕业18位留学生。2023年12月留学生Timothy Teddy Nah即将学成回国。
Timothy Teddy Nah:自己和祖国都从“一带一路”获益
今年28岁的Timothy Teddy Nah来自利比亚,2023年3月来到北医校园,他说中利两国人民有着深厚的传统友谊,很感谢中国政府、学校给予自己的学习机会,来到中国的短暂时间里感受到了这所学校的魅力,体会到了中国人的热情,领略了多姿多彩的中国文化,看到真实、立体、全面的中国。通过这段学习经历,自己将更加努力成为具有全球视野的公共卫生人才。

Timothy Teddy Nah与答辩委员合影

Timothy Teddy Nah与导师常春教授合影
The joining with the EMPH program at Peking University was not easy but I am excited to complete the study today. I remember when I was selected admission in 2021 at the prestigious University, my excitement grown for education and to visit this great nation (China). Nevertheless, the prevention of traveling due to the epidemic compel all of the international student to study online but after the government consider decision on opening the country, I personally was so excited, haven seen how Chinese have work to build infrastructure in Liberia could even make you create love to see China. China and Liberia have had a longstanding relationship for which my country can boast of numerous benefits ranging from grants, construction of the Monrovia Vocational Training Center (MVTC) to the construction of the famous Ministerial Complex.
From the little time spent in china, I have realized that the education system here in China is so unique and compel the best out of students in meeting with global standard of education. I have also watch international and local news on China’s best TV station; CGTN, and I am really fascinated by the improvements in every sector ranging from a fast growing economy, technology advancement to global education ranking. China is a country with diverse cultural norms and values, and their expansion in other parts of the world through trade, healthcare and bilateral relationship has set them far above many developing countries. The advancement in the above mentioned sectors has horned China the reputation as one of the best countries in the world.
Also understanding the opportunities and advantages when attending Peking University which set you on the global market to opportunities, high potentials individuals and many others have created so many excitements in me completing today. The prestige as product of the Health Science Center and experience of the beautiful environment creating conducive learning opportunities is something I will cherish and miss a lot. In conclusion, with optimism I believe am set for the market and now I can run my career as a professional Public Health expert.
---Timothy Teddy Nah毕业感言
I am overjoyed to announce that I have reached a significant milestone.I have just collected my masters degree award paper this night from DHL. This achievement is a testament to the dedication and your support. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. I wanted to express my sincerest thanks for all that you have done for me. You have truly made a difference in my life, and I am grateful for your unwavering support.
----Hawa Catherine Jabaty

Hawa Catherine Jabaty与证书合影
I am so humbled by the Scholarship of Master’s Program for Public Health granted to me by the Government of China. This journey has been so exciting of course with full of difficulties and challenges. I wish to thank my supervisor for the tremendous support and guidance in ensuring that the Master’s program is successful. I want to appreciate the government of China for exposing me to the diverse cross-cultural encounters and the great cultural environment of China during the studies provided a good ambiance for the studies. It was indeed great. I am so humbled to be part on the graduation list.
---Mutesi Christine Fortunate Rebecca

Mutesi Christine Fortunate Rebecca与证书合影
The feeling of graduating from Peking University is truly fantastic after long days of classes, longer hours of studying, countless sleepless nights, challenges, obstacles. I want to use this opportunity to thank all these people for their support and contributions during my study at Peking University. I appreciate the Admin (Xiangrong Xu) who been so supportive as well as lectures. We'd also like to thank the my both my Academic and practicum Supervisors (Professors Fuqiang Cui and Junling Sun), China CDC team, (Canjun Zheng, Xiaopeng Qi, Dr Lili Wang, Chunchun Zhao and Chuizhao Xue), and Ministry of Health and Sanitation team (Doris Harding, Sr Anitta Kamara Alie Tia and Sheku Koroma)
--Esther Debora Ngegba

Esther Debora Ngegba与证书合影

Oba, Adenike Adetola与证书合影

Raphael kelechi Ajah与证书合影