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We, the participants of the International Symposium on Quality Primary Health Care Development, held on Dec 4-5, 2023 in Beijing, China, unanimously agree with insisting the principles of the Declaration of Alma-Ata and the Declaration of Astana that primary health care is the most effective way to improve people's health and well-being. The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly’s 2023 high-level meeting on Universal Health Coverage have reaffirmed the importance of primary health care in our time. We reemphasize that in all countries and regions, the approach of primary health care is not only valid but critical.
The importance of primary health care is particularly evident as human beings experience profound challenges, including social transitions and the pandemic caused by infectious diseases. Primary health care has its unique advantage in addressing challenges to global health posed by ageing and climate change, prevailing and constantly increasing burden of non-communicable diseases and mental health, and the "last-mile" of access to health care and medical products.
Since the adoption of the Alma Ata Declaration, countries around the world have accumulated valuable experience in implementing primary health care and improving people’s health across diverse socioeconomic settings. Such experience constitutes a common treasure of human beings and an important foundation for achieving the health-related 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. China is one of the earliest countries in the world providing the model of community-led primary health care. China's three-level health service network, barefoot doctors, cooperative medical scheme, and integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine was concluded by the World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund as appropriate workforce and appropriate technology. With coordinated and continuous effort such as the patriotic health campaign, the implementation of health system reform and Healthy China 2030 strategy, China continues to adhere to the approach of primary health care in practice and firmly supports the promotion of primary health care at all stages of socioeconomic development.
We believe that primary health care should be quality assured. By quality, we mean primary health care should be people-centered, integrated, comprehensive, continuous, and embedded in the community; it should be accessible, affordable, and acceptable to all people; primary care services should be provided by well-trained, competent, effectively motivated, and highly committed health personnel; primary care services should act as the cornerstone of a resilient health system and the foundation of universal health coverage. And more importantly, it should continue to adapt and develop, in particular taking advantage of technological advancement. Building quality primary health care is the shared responsibility of all government departments and all sectors of society.
To promote high quality development of primary health care, we call on all countries to carry out and strengthen the following actions:
1. 落实政府承诺和责任
Fulfill political commitment and accountability
We call on all political leaders and governments to uphold the goal of improving the health and well-being of individuals and populations, fulfill their responsibilities in leadership, safeguarding and supervision, and steward health development and reform, to build a strong and high-quality primary health care system as part of integrated people-centered health services. All political leaders and governments should put prevention first and integrate prevention and treatment, promote equal opportunities for all people to enjoy accessible and affordable essential health services, and promote high quality development of primary health care.
2. 通过多部门协同将健康融入所有政策
Achieve “health in all policies (HiAP)” through multisectoral coordination
We advocate the approach of "health in all policies (HiAP)" and emphasize the important role of public policies for public health. All sectors and industries should strengthen communication and collaboration, integrate health into various policies and their formulation processes, and form synergy to promote health. We support the establishment of a system of health impact assessment and evaluation, improve the mechanism of supervision and accountability, and ensure that HiAP is implemented and enforced.
3. 建立可持续的筹资
Establish sustainable financing
We advocate the establishment of a sustainable financing strategy for primary health care and increasing and ensuring adequate public funding. We advocate the establishment of an equity-oriented financing mechanism, specification of a primary health service package that can be expanded over time and adapted to national and local context, coordination of multi-channel health funding for disease prevention and treatment and ensuring that funding for primary care facilities and front-line service providers are fully paid in their budgets. We call for strategic purchasing and step-wise shift towards a value-oriented blended payment method with capitation as the base. We call for using health insurance funds to purchase preventive services. We call for provision of sustainable financing support to low-income countries for development in primary health care.
4. 赋能社区和个人
Empower communities and individuals
We call on raising health awareness to ensure that everyone participates in, makes their best contribution to, and enjoys health improvement. We advocate communities to create a healthy ecosystem and living environment that benefits the entire population horizontally and covers the entire life cycle vertically. We call for a focus on prevention to reduce the occurrence of diseases. We advocate provision of accessible health services in the community, to achieve early diagnosis, early treatment, and early rehabilitation of diseases and health conditions.
5. 提供以社区为基础的整合型服务
Provide community-based integrated care
We advocate the establishment of community-based integrated primary health services that cover the entire population and meet the daily health needs of people of all ages and from all population groups. We advocate the establishment of primary care services as the core, to coordinate all-round health services for patients and community residents and achieve the continuity and integration of prevention, treatment, nursing, rehabilitation and palliative care across all settings (including families, living communities, health care institutions, and long-term care institutions), exploration of innovative health service models to integrate medical treatment and prevention. We call upon integration of primary health care into the core components in preparedness, prevention and response to pandemic and other public health emergencies.
6. 以良好的治理促进健康服务和社会服务衔接融合
Promote the connection and integration of health services and social services through good governance
We call for good health governance functions and better alignment between implementation and policies, to empower and promote community engagement and participation. We call for strengthening community-level governance, enhancing the connection between primary health care services and social services, and promoting the improvement of population health. Within the community catchment, governments, autonomous organizations and others should play fully the role of resource allocation, enhance hub function of primary care providers such as health coordinators and family doctor teams, improve health literacy, strengthen the construction of self-management groups, and cooperate with civil societies, volunteers, and economic organizations, to deeply integrate public services such as elderly care, disability assistance, and mental health, psychological counseling into primary care services.
7. 加强人力资源的培训、配置和激励及医学教育
Enhance training, allocation and motivation of health workforce, and medical education
We support increasing allocation of health workforce in rural, remote and underdeveloped areas, promoting equity in human resource allocation, and strengthening primary health care services with appropriate human resources allocation. The training of general practitioners/family doctors should be strengthened, and an incentive mechanism for the training and employment of general practitioners/family doctors should be established. We call for creating a good working environment for health personnel working in primary health care settings, providing reasonable remuneration, to motivate providers to effectively meet the basic health service needs of people.
8. 推广传统医学和替代医学在疾病预防和疾患疗愈中的应用
Expand application of traditional and alternative medicine for disease prevention and illness healing
We recognize traditional medicine as an integral part of primary health care, and support the application of appropriate technologies of traditional medicine and alternative medicine to the community. We support that primary care institutions should provide effective alternative medicine services from prevention and health care to treatment and rehabilitation. We support that people voluntarily use traditional and alternative medicine to prevent and treat diseases, under the guidance of community health services professionals.
9. 数字赋能初级卫生保健
Empower primary health care with digital technology
We advocate strengthened application of digital technology in primary health care, to improve the quality, individualization, precision and convenience of primary health care services. We advocate promotion of the exchange and sharing of health information with residents’ electronic health records as the core. We advocate development of artificial intelligence-assisted diagnosis, telemedicine and other means to help improve the quality of diagnosis and treatment. We call for further development of online appointment booking, cloud-based consultation, electronic prescription, smart pharmacy, online payment, remote health education and other applications and wearable health devices to facilitate comprehensive health management and self-management of health. With rapid scale up, we call for effective governance and regulation to harness digital innovation to minimize risks while maximizing benefits.
10. 确保医药产品和适宜技术的可及
Ensure access to medicinal products and appropriate technologies
We emphasize the key role of primary health care in ensuring that medicines, vaccines, appropriate technologies, are accessible to the entire population, especially the vulnerable groups. We call for further integration of the pharmaceutical product supply system and the primary health care system; we support primary health service providers to better serve the equitable accessibility of pharmaceutical products throughout the life cycle and appropriate technology applications, and exploration of the innovation and promotion of integrated primary health care, such as prenatal care packages and nutrition packages.
11. 增进全球伙伴关系与国际卫生合作
Strengthen global partnership and international health cooperation
We call for the establishment of multi-level and multi-form international cooperation and exchange channels, strengthening of global partnerships on primary health care, and pragmatic cooperation in experience exchange, technology promotion, personnel training, health assistance, resource mobilization; maintaining, improving, and promoting the health of all population groups, in particular children, adolescents, pregnant women, the elderly, disabled people, the poor and other vulnerable groups, effectively prevent, manage, and control communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, and other major health challenges, leaving no one behind and promoting universal health coverage.